I'm Kelsey Thompson
I’m a retail florist from a small town in the Midwest and I love traveling with my family, always say yes to parrot tulips and have a slight obsession with chocolate-dipped potato chips.
I'm stubbornly creative and I'm not afraid to say,
"I don't know, but I'll research it to death and get back to you".
I'm a little sarcastic, a big ol' softie and a "type A" personality. My husband says I'm A+ but he's cute so I'm choosing to take that as a compliment. We own a retail floral shop in the heart of Iowa and have 2 kids, 1 mortgage and a partridge in a pear tree. (Just kidding, I'm allergic to pet dander).
I opened my brick and mortar shop with a prayer and some hand-me-down tools in 2011. I had a business degree and a half-case of Ramen noodles. But by golly, we are florists. We are do-ers, we are creators. I mean, who else can make a standing spray out of a stick of gum and a dandelion? So I worked, and I failed, and I learned, and I grew.
As I've grown into the successful business I have today I've developed a passion for education, specifically for smaller and beginner florists. I started mentoring other shop owners and realized something... there is a shortage of reliable business and marketing resources for retail floral shops. I love design education, but we need to know how to do all that business-y stuff too. We need systems in place that will give us back our time to do what we love - create.
So, I created in my own way - Petals & Profits was born out of a desire to help florists like you (and me!) take control of your time and your business by providing education, sales-converting content, and support.
If I had a bumper sticker, it would say "will travel for snacks and flowers".
What I love to do For Florists
The experience your customers have with your shop goes hand in hand with the story your brand is telling them.
Promotional Planning
Using long-term planning for your promotions can inform your purchasing decisions and staffing. The two biggest costs in your business.
Business Systems
Do you have a good task management system in place? Talk dirty to me.
Content Creation
Email/blog templates, "plug and post" captions and graphics to keep your personality in your content and save you time.
AKA The Content Club
Everyone needs someone in their corner.....your cheerleader, business confidant and support system.
Social Media Psychology
Engaging content - and posts that sell as well as connect - are what moves a business forward on social media platforms.
Systems and processes are no good if you don't know what to do with them. Let's workshop together! I train via Zoom or come on-site.
Sales Strategy
Pricing (and desiging) for profits, and sales techniques that convert buyers into fans.
Have you joined the "Content Club?"
It's a monthly content subscription built for retail florists. A marketing calender, email content, blog templates and social media captions - all ready to copy, paste, customize and post. Save hours each month and get your marketing tasks done quickly, so you can get back to doing what you love and growing your business.
Let's be Pen Pals.
I always love to hear from fellow florists. Have comments, ideas or questions about my potato chip supplier? Contact me here.
Copyright 2023 © Petals & Profits